A quick interview with the littles and (not so) little…

The other evening while waiting yet again to be able to eat dinner (no dinner restaurants open till 8pm), we sat in a placeta around the corner from the house, having a cool drink, and I asked the kids some questions.

-What is something you’ll remember about the trip so far?

Sebastian: Xirimiri, (pronounced Shee-ree-mee-ree), the Basque word for a light, soft rain.

Saoirse: the hike in the mountains (the Sierra Nevadas, just outside Granada).

Mac: “that place when we went to a place where we can eat something.” (I think he was hungry!). He later wanted to change his response to the hike as well.

-What is the most beautiful thing you’ve seen so far?

Seb: La Mezquita in Córdoba.

Saoirse: the view from the mountians

Me: the Alhambra and its gardens, followed by basically every crowded streets of Paris

Mac: “this water fountain”

-What is something unpleasant about the trip so far?

Seb: WiFi going out when I was on the verge of solving the rubic cube

Saoirse: falling on the hike (she just slipped and scraped her leg but is fine)

Mac: “Nothing. Everything I like-ed.”

-What is something you miss from home?

Seb: Internet (do you sense a theme?)

Saoirse: people I know

Mac: my lion and my snake

Me: yoga/classes at the Hot Room and coffee. Yes of course there is coffee here, but I miss my big brewed American pot of it. I also miss my husband and partner in travel crimes, but we will see him again soon :).